
Sunday, March 27, 2011


I'm sick. Headache, clogged nose and achey all over. I feel terrible so I'm posting. Anyway, I made a city online just now. Im calling it Constancia (don't ask, inside joke)
I took a picture of it:

Comment and tell me if you like it!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I fund this on IScribble. A drawing website. When I looked through the gallery, this one struck me:

They drew this online. With a mouse. 

Friday, March 25, 2011


Sorry, I feel really woozy and loose because I just got back from swimming at the YMCA. This is one unfair historical fact about the Y:





So not fair. You shouldn't have to be a male and Christan. That's probably why they shortened it to "The Y" .


I drove to The Botanical Gardens in Brooklyn last weekend. It was fun, until my new vintage camera ran out of film. So I used an iPhone to take this picture of a flower. Not my favorite but at least pretty enough. Here it is:

I used an app called "CameraBag" which can effect a regular photo to make it look old. It has other effects too like magazine, sepia and black and white. I wouldn't buy it if I were you. It's not as great as I might describe it as.  A pretty crappy app really.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ding-dong-ditch the doorbell

I just learned a new phrase.

Ding-dong-ditch the doorbell. 

(dinG-donG-diTCh the DOorbell)

Definition; To ring a doorbell, then scram

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Can you believe technology?

Sorry, been out again. But anyway,

Last night, I went out to see the sunset on my scooter with Athena. We went to the Hudson River park. It was pretty, of course, crowded. A posse of teenagers singing the Barbie theme song. Tourists. Joggers blocking the road so I CANNOT SIMPLY RIDE. Oh, I finished another book in two nights. So glad that these are coming from the library! Or else I'd be broke.

Anyway, I got a lot of comments (well, two is like a tital wave for me) so thanks people!

Also, I'd like to introduce you to:

My favorite vintage commercials!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Commercial Ever

Oh yeah.

Loaded with so many calories and sugar it's guaranteed to rock your hyper activeness.

Oh yeah

Socially barking

Sharpie currently at 4:34 P.M
She was pretty slow this morning. Peed one drop and romped back into the apartment. I've always wondered about a dog's life. Their a lower life form. I know they have emotions, 5 senses and social lives... but how close are they to ours? How do they think?

I guess they have social lives. Like say, an kid brought their dog to a friends house and that friend owned a dog. Then the kid's dog would cross the others territory. That would kinda relate to a fight between to people over land, objects or anything else really. Social fights. Right? We have friends, they have friends. (Well they have to at least like each other if they're breeding)

Am I crazy or right? Dog's have social lives!

Price Tag

Hello! I just got a new haircut! It's at an angle. Longer in the front, shorter in the back. My friend E. J went with me and got a bob cut. Anyway, I didn't see last nights SNL because I couldn't stay up, but I saw it this morning. Jessie J.- I like the song, but look lady, you have pants that make you look weird and a horrible haircut. So, yeah...

Here's her concert on SNL:

My signature

Signature! From Blizzard Blog Design! Designer Libby! Im so happy! YAY! My own signature! Comment and tell me if you like it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Top 10 songs 2011

1. Born this way

Lady gaga- lade-e ga-ga (a) a thief of the 1900 Madonna

2. On the floor

Never heard of it, that must mean it's not that popular

3. S & M

Skittles and m&m's

4. E.T

The song has a really scary theme and haunting lyrics, but somehow, I like it

5. F**k you

Look, the music video is awesome

6. Rolling in the deep

Let's roll in the water!

7. Grenade

I've never heard it, but I love "Just the way you are"

8. I need a doctor

Me too

9. F**kin perfect

What does every 21st century song have to do with that?

10. Blow

Kesha is so drunk she blew after her gulp of beer and her agent called it a song

Friday, March 11, 2011


I'm here with Firewolf, another blogspot blogger. (AKA, one of my friends) We're creating a short clay animation. (Stop animation) and it will come out around June 2011. It's short, so don't expect much of it. But here's my definition of clay:

A messy material that sticks to anything and makes your hands stick so much it's un-washable. They're favorite material to cling to is your face.