
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Grammy F. 1000 Heaven St. apt ∞, FL

Dear beloved Grammy,

I love you, and always will. The house is so quiet and sad without you and Granddad. I hope you're looking down at me and E. J. from up there in Harley Heaven. We've seen many of your collections in the past two days. I cannot believe how many pictures are stored up from the past! The ones of dad are really funny. Seeing all the people in 60's fashion makes me laugh out loud. And the way people used to wear their pants? Highwater, that's funny now but normal then...
Anyway, I miss you and when we got together to celebrate the great and long life you had, I didn't know anyone but if it was in honor of you, I'm fine with it. Tell Granddad to write to me that would be amazing. I saw pictures of you and him from when you were little! You all still look the same to me. But the resemblance between the young Russell and E. J. is incredible. Same shape of face and even expression.
Well, I'm guessing you're really busy. Up with your head in the clouds. Remember, I'll always love you!



Thursday, April 14, 2011

Im still in Florida. I went to the beach and found this sea glass:

Green, white and brown. I'm pretty sure that the brown one is from an old beer bottle, the white one is unknown and the green one is from like, a soda can or something.
Whenever I look at them, I always think "Martine, you've just found ancient glass. Sitting there right in your hand." But then realize, the world is so polluted that there are probably millions of ancient sea glass pieces because some people just smash their bottles and let it float out to sea for some random girl to find it (which BTW is me) and put it on her blog...
*Only a psychic person can do that, but I can dream. *


This I found on Youtube, in which I automatically posted. Beck Bennett as a host in a Youtube T.V joke. This is pretty funny because I believe that a 10 yr old, 7 yr old and an 8 yr old would really probably act like this. Please share this video, because it's awesome.

Girl In the Arena

I'm reading this really good new book called: Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines. It's all about a gladiator. A teenage girl named Lyn, daughter of seven Glads. Her mother marries an all famous Glad, they divorce, Lyn becomes popular and popular each time. Her only true father is the man who started her fame who is known as Tommy, the best of them all. When a new and young Gladiator slays him, the public tries to think up the unthinkable sentance, Lyn must marry her father's murderer. Lyn is prepared to do whatever it takes to gain her independence, even if it means fighting to the death.
I tweaked the blurb a bit so I'd make more sense....

This is the cover:

Friday, April 8, 2011


Did I ever introduce you to Owllina? My lucky charm? Well, reader, Owllina, Owllina, reader. Owllina is from Greece. I went there with a relative as a trip. We were on a tour since Greece is so amazing, you can't singlehandedly see every landmark there. This was approximately two years ago. My little Owllina.

Description if you care:

1 inch tall
Cold metal
Bright blue yes that follow you
Extraordinary details


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lincoln & JFK

Did you ever notice all the weird coincidences between Abraham Lincoln and John Fizgerald Kennedy? I found them in a book called "PICK ME UP" (which BTW, is not a chapter book or anything, just random really interesting and also a bit funny and mysterious facts)


These are the weirdest so-called 'coincidences' that I learned:

Abe was elected to Congress in 1846
John was elected to Congress 1946

Lincoln and Kennedy both have 7 letters in them

Both shot in the Head

Abe was elected president in 1860
John was elected president in 1960

Both killed by Southerners 

Both of their wives lost their children in the White House

Both where shot on a Friday

Both concerned with Civil Rights 

Lincoln's secretary's name was Kennedy, who warned him not to go to the theatre
Kennedy's secretary's name was Lincoln, who warned him not to go to Dallas

John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839
Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939

Both murders where known by their three names, and both had 15 letters in all

Booth and Oswald where assassinated before their trials

Booth ran from a theatre and was caught in a warehouse
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theatre


Sunday, April 3, 2011

One of my favorite songs....

This song is one of the below. After you hear it, please choose and comment your pick.

A. A song for traveling
B. A song from an old T.V show
C. Annoying
D. The opinion always starts with A
E. All of the above
F. All of the above besides D

Really Bad Made up Mystery

Mary was singing the song that never ends to impress her friends. "Wow! How did you learn that?" her boring and lazy friends asked. "Well, I learned it a long time ago. Yep, that old silly song has been in my family for years, never forgot the ending."

One of the friends said: "Mary, your humor is great but your stories aren't"

*Note: All lame and obvious kids mysteries are structured like this. 

I really hope you don't get stumped. I really do.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Did you ever notice that at the end of each commercial they say "Fun to play with not to eat!"


Why would anyone in the right mind include that in theyre advertisment?
Yeah sure, it's true. Some little girl might sculpture it as an apple and  then a toddler would lick and bite it... but still....

That's more about parenting! Not the product itself! 

Well, have a nice day....